These are books I had published a long time ago. Sadly, the treasures below are only available as second-hand offerings on Amazon. That said, ‘Cashtoons’ is also available as a new, improved-formula, super-duper, kindle-friendly version. And, even more sadly, is that the global problems that I satirised in these books are even more serious than ever before. Folks, things are getting worse for humankind and the planet, not better. Just ask Greta Thunberg!

Isn’t Progress Wonderful?
This book is choc full of environmental cartoons, a large number which first appeared in Punch, Private Eye and The Spectator. Half of the cartoons are in colour and a lot of them are full page A4 size. Many of the toons feature in the colour galleries on this web site.
Isn’t Progress Wonderful was published in UK, USA, Spain, Germany and Denmark. A number of the cartoons from this book were reproduced by Paul and Linda McCartney in a 1994 World Tour magazine to Macca’s fans.
Isn’t Progress Wonderful? was published 1991. Publisher: Grub Street Publishing, 10 Chivalry Row, London SW11 1HT. Tel: +44 020 7738 1008. ISBN: 0 948817 48 8.
Cashtoons is book addressing the recession and financial problems besetting most of the civilised world in the early nineties. Depressing stuff? Maybe – the book didn’t do so well. Still, it has lots of my top-quality material. Many of the cartoons originally appeared in Punch, Private Eye and The Spectator. You will find quite a few of these toons in the gallery ‘Business cartoons’ on this very web site. The themes of Cashtoons are all based on the corrupting influence of money, especially in the form of big business. Subjects covered include: corporate and individual greed, the haves and the have-nots, morality versus wealth and the unsustainable economic model that is killing life on Earth. These are all issues that, today, are more pronounced and urgent than ever before.
Cashtoons was published 1992.
Publisher: Grub Street Publishing, 10 Chivalry Row, London SW11 1HT. Tel: +44 020 7738 1008.
ISBN: 0 948817 61 5

Nature, man’s best friend
Another book, full of environmental cartoons. As with ‘Isn’t Progress Wonderful’, a large number of them first appeared in Punch, Private Eye and The Spectator. Half of the cartoons are in colour and a lot of them are full page A4 size. This was only ever available in Denmark. Many of the toons feature in the colour galleries on this web site.
Nature, man’s best friend, was published in 1996. Publisher: Mellemfolkeligt Sammvirke, 14 Borgergade, 1300 Copenhagen, Denmark. Tel: +45 33 32 62 44
ISBN: 87 7028 830 5