8 cartoons about physics. (Yes, physics!)

Some subjects just don’t appear, at first, to lend themselves to humour. However, given the right cartoonist on the job, a little blood can sometimes be squeezed out of a very difficult stone. Granted, these following cartoons are for those who already have some basic grasp of theoretical physics. The cartoons cover things like the Uncertainty Principle, The Big Bang, Schrodinger’s Cat, sub-artomic particle colliders, Quantum mechanics, God playing dice with the universe, String Theory, the expanding universe theory and so on. (I told you that these cartoons were not for everyone).
For those who were looking out of the window for most of their high-school science classes, or working out how to burn down the school with a bunsen burner, look away now. Go have a look amongst my other blogs where I have some nice cat cartoons just waiting for you. Those toons will probably be more your kind of thing than this mini science-Geek fest that follows.