9 cartoons about air pollution

This is another subject that, at first, does not appear to lend itself to humour. However, these days, with climate change, air pollution is in the news more than ever before. Global warming is slowing roasting humankind its own Carbon Dioxide pressure cooker. But nothing looks as if it is going to change unless Greta Thunberg kicks the butts of a few politicians. As a species, we have devised an economic system, whereby our standard of living depends on primarily the production, sale and purchase of products. However, a by-product of this system is that the resulting pollution now threatens our very survival. Thus, we have created a system that almost guarantees our eventual extinction and the destruction of the earth. And air pollution is just one part of this slow-motion, species-suicide that we are engaged in. This process is just begging for satire and irony to act as weapons to wake up the minds of the unconvinced.
Most of these cartoons were published in my first book, ‘Isn’t Progress Wonderful?’ The book was repackaged as ‘Earthtoons’ for the US release. Both were published in 1991. Most of the rest of these cartoons were published in my third book, ‘Nature, man’s best friend,’ published in Denmark. The curious thing about all of this work is that it has not dated. The issues are more pressing than ever and the cartoons ever more relevant.